Leave the Comfort Zone 2024

lalu's profile picture lalu Host

49 participants, 463 books

01 Jan 202431 Dec 2024


Can you believe that this is already the 4th iteration of the Leave the Comfort Zone challenge?! Time flies...
As always:  "The comfort zone is a safe space where we don’t risk, but neither do we grow" 
So why not try something new and mabye even discover a new passion!

  • A bunch of prompts are based on your reading stats. Whether you choose all-time, the current year or last year is up to you
  • DNFs are allowed... I know this rule makes no sence with how reading challenges work, but I'm still hopeful that one day we'll be able to mark a prompt as completed with a DNF
  • if it's a tie between 2 or more categories, choose the category of which there are fewer books on your TBR

Challenge Prompts
